Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Ferry and Kake Day 1 (July 9 and 10)
We were greeted in Kake by several local leaders and others who made our transition to the Presbyterian Church a breeze - they even brought us lunch! The rest of the day was filled up with settling in, making ministry preparations and spending time with local children, teens and adults. It is a great adventure for us getting to know the Tlingit culture and the people of Kake. A few highlights of the day included the warm welcome, two bear sightings, time spent exploring the ocean at low tide and our group time together in worship and prayer - and of course the wonderful food provided by our cooks Jerry and Heidi!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Thursday's Update from Juneau
Our fearless leaders, Pastor Tom and Vicar Mark, outside Faith Lutheran next to the Greek sign meaning Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.
Hello from Juneau!
Depot and Costco. Our efforts resulted in nineteen boxes and a full refrigerator of food. It is a bit of an adjustment for us as we acclimate to the new time zone and a bit more daylight.
Special thanks to Pastor Mike, Wayne, and Faith Lutheran for all their help and hospitality.
Today is another beautiful day and we look forward to the arrival of the rest of the team.
This evening we will prepare and enjoy a meal with another mission team, from Indiana, that will be traveling to Angoon, Alaska.
Hello to all our family and friends back home!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Almost There!
Thursday, July 8th
- Safe travel as we travel to
- For the people of Kake.
- For team members Stan and Gloria Bomsta.
Friday, July 9th
- For safety as we journey 20 hours on a ferry to Kake.
- For team unity.
- For team members Diane and Jerry Panning.
Saturday, July 10th
- For safety and patience as we acclimate.
- For opportunities to share Jesus with locals.
- For team members Heidi and Dave Hove.
Sunday, July 11th
- For the team as we lead worship.
- For good communication between team members.
- For team members Steve and
Monday, July 12th
- For the culture and sports camp.
- For the week long woman’s Bible Study.
- For team members Mark and Kara Koschmann.
Tuesday, July 13th
- For the culture and sports camp.
- For health of team members to remain strong.
- For team members Janna and Megan Wutke.
Wednesday, July 14th
- For the culture and sports camp.
- For continued growth of relationships with locals.
- For Team members Sue and Darrel Bach.
Thursday, July 15th
- For the culture and sports camp.
- For the youth talk.
- For Team members
Friday, July 16th
- For the culture camp celebration and sad good-byes!
- For the Mens breakfast and Bible Study.
- For Team members Karen St. John and Bil Lund.
Saturday, July 17th
- For safe travel and many sad goodbyes!
- For the people of Kake.
- For Team member Pastor Tom.